Sustainability Management Approach & Promotion System
Sustainability Management Concept and Promotion System
In order to realize a sustainable society, we have set out a basic approach to sustainability management. We implement initiatives based on this approach, and our management team regularly monitors them, building a promotion system for continuous improvement.
Basic Concept
Our Group’s VISION is “Discovering new tastiness, Sharing moments of joy.” In order to continue to deliver safe and delicious food to our customers, it is essential that we undertake sustainable initiatives with an eye to the future in our business activities.
In particular, we believe that “sustainable procurement of seafood” and “job creation and diversity” in the regions where we do business are important initiatives in light of the recent trend of decline in natural marine fishery resources. As our company name “FOOD & LIFE COMPANIES” indicates, we will deepen our sustainable initiatives, increase the number of companies (companies) who share our aspirations all over the world, spread the joy of delicious food to every corner of the world, and enrich people’s lives and lives.

Promotion Structure

The Board of Directors recognizes that sustainability initiatives, including climate change issues, are one of the important management issues and supervises these initiatives. Specifically, when formulating management strategies and business plans, the Board of Directors deliberates on the “risks” and “opportunities” related to sustainability, including climate change issues, and receives reports from each group company and department as necessary and performs supervision.
In addition, we have clearly positioned sustainability as a management issue for the entire group, and in order to promote sustainability initiatives, we have established a Sustainability Promotion Committee chaired by the President and CEO. The Sustainability Promotion Committee will report on the status of sustainability, including climate change responses, to the Management Meeting as appropriate and receive instructions and advice. Furthermore, the President and CEO will report on the status to the Board of Directors as necessary.
Materiality Identification Process
The cross-departmental Sustainability Promotion Committee held repeated discussions with management and identified seven material issues. The importance of material issues was assessed over the medium to long term, taking into account the perspectives of not only our own company but also our stakeholders, and also incorporating the opinions of external experts.
Importance Map
From a medium- to long-term perspective, we mapped and narrowed down the importance of each issue by taking the management perspective on the horizontal axis and the stakeholder perspective on the vertical axis, and identified the seven most important material issues. We believe that the seven material issues are all equally important.
ESG/SDGs Matrix and Materiality (Important Issues)
We have analyzed and organized the seven identified material issues from the perspectives of ESG, ISO26000, and the 169 SDGs targets. We will work toward the long-term growth of our company and the resolution of global social issues.